Commonly Asked Questions.


Q: “Do I need to be in my booth to ring up my sales?”

A:  No.  Antique’s Etc. takes care of ringing up all sales.  You will be assigned a booth number, and you will need to put this number on your price tags.  Our computerized system will keep a record of your sales.

Q: “How do I lease a booth?”

A:   It’s very simple with our leasing options.  First thing you will need to do is fill out our Become a Dealer Form.  Then, we will contact you to enter into a lease.  From there, you will need to provide your first month’s rent, plus security deposit equal to one month’s rent.

Q: “How do I pay rent?”

A:   Rent will be deducted from your monthly sales, rent payments may be dropped off at the store, or you may mail your rent to Antique’s Etc. 5736 E. Colfax, Denver, CO 80220.  Please include your vendor number on your check. DO NOT SEND CASH

Q: “Are dealers required to work at the store?”

A:  No, but the best dealers are in regularly.

Q: “When may I stock my booth?”

A:  You may stock your booth during normal business hours.